Use a thumbnail image to display a frame from your video to attract viewers. As a Verified Partner, you can customize this thumbnail.
How to Customize Your Dailymotion Video Thumbnail
Use these simple steps to change Dailymotion Thumbnails:
Step 1: Navigate to the video page and then hit that small pencil icon available below video. It will help you to get complete video information as well as about settings page.
Step 2: Now you have to pause your preview player precisely at desired frame that you want to use as a thumbnail.’
Step 3: Simply click on the Extract Preview button. It will help you to save your thumbnail.
Note that, partners are allowed to upload their thumbnails directly by hitting Upload Preview option; then need to choose desired image from computer and then click on save button.
Step 4: Finally, hit the save button from bottom of the page and it will immediately save your changes.

Tips to Make your Custom Thumbnails POP
Follow these simple tips to avail customized Thumbnails:
1. Make the Best Use of Colour
Brighter colours are best option for thumbnails as they reflect best information but never use highly crowded images as they leave cheap impression. Just try to differentiate your videos from other competitors by using best settings for saturation and hue etc.
2. Connect with the Viewer: Include an Image of Face
Prefer to keep human face somewhere in your thumbnail. A close up shot can even be a better option because it leads to impressive view on every kind of device. This trick adds emotions to the video and viewers get attracted to see the content inside.
3. Include Text to Give Context
It is good to add few impressive words to your thumbnail as this small narrative style information will make your thumbnail highly informative. A title with few eye catching keywords will be good option.
4. Create Custom Branding for Your Thumbnails
Using customized thumbnails for your videos will help you to do natural branding of your video.
By Liza Brown
My Video to new method to custome your Dailymotion Video thumbnail.
UPDATE: 2018-03-28 Dailymotin Fix change thumbnail by edit url. Here is free tool for you.